Friday, August 16, 2013

A Collectors Worst Nightmare

Well, maybe a collectors 2nd worst nightmare, next to losing ones entire collection. Whenever F.Y.E (For Your Entertainment) has a BOGO sale I am like a kid in a candy store. As luck would have it, I just so happened to swing by my nearest FYE when the sale was on. My HK cinema/mainland film collection is nearing the 300 movie mark; no doubles and all DVD/Bluray. With a collection this size it is necessary to keep an updated list of movies to keep myself from mistakenly buying doubles.
Depending on a list is only valuable when you have the list in your possession when you need it; on this trip I didn't have it on my person, ergo my problem. I selected 5 DVDs: Police Story, The Martial Arts Essentials Vol 2: The Films of Sammo Hung, The Martial Arts Essentials Vol 3: The Best of the Best, 8 Diagram Pole Fighter, and King Boxer.
I knew I had a copy of Police Story that was purchased used that, unfortunately, did not work properly, so I decided to replace it. When I got home, much to my dismay, I discovered that Police Story was not the only double I bought. I already had copies of both King Boxer and 8 Diagram Pole Fighter!!! AAARRRRGGG! Both movies were sitting on my shelf unopened, though I had seen both films in the past. This little mistake cost me $11 total, but I now will be making a digital list to put on my phone so it was a lesson well learned. HIYa!
My face when I saw the doubles...

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